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I've always had an interest in the technical.  Have been programming since I was 8, when my first computer only had 64K of ram.  BASIC, VBA, Fortran, Pascal, C++, Python, and Verilog are all languages which I've used  for many projects.


Managed and staffed a Radio Shack as a Joint Venture with Intertan Canada for 15 years.  Won the Leaders Club Award 3 times for outstanding sales and profit gains over the fiscal year.


Returning to University to finish my degree was the best choice ever.  Getting to work with so many intelligent professors, departments and students has formed many lasting friendships.  The picture to the right depicts the test bed instrument I worked on during my masters degree.




3D Printing

Have owned and operated a Prusa I3 since 2013. Have designed my own parts when necessary using Autodesk Inventor and FreeCAD.  Check out the 3D printing page to see some of the projects.


University of Lethbridge (M.Sc.)

Interdisciplinary focusing on Data Acquisition System development

Contest Programming

Although I only competed for two seasons, I still enjoy solving the problem questions that UVA Judge hosts.  Goto the links page and try a few problems.  My favourite problems are the ad-hoc, where there isn't a set algorithm to recognize, but are solved by puzzling them out.

Astronomy / Astro-Photography

I'm new to astro-photography, the picture of Andromeda (top banner) was taken with an Olympus e410, piggy backed on my Celestron C8N with Advanced VX mount.


University of Lethbridge (B.Sc.)

Physics Major / Computer Science Minor

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